Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Whirlwind that has been My Life

Wow! It's been over a month since I shared anything here. And that's not due to laziness or willful neglect, but because my life has been a whirlwind for the past several weeks.

What it is that has kept me so busy that I've neglected to update my faithful blog followers?


I've been busy with the new Read, Discuss, Do! website, which launched on June 2! If you haven't see it yet, be sure to check it out and subscribe to the mailing list if you're so inclined. We've got so much great stuff going on over there, including a super fun summer reading challenge for the whole family!

And then there's the #PBChat mentorship. I volunteered to be a mentor again this year, and it took a long time to read through all the potential mentees' applications and manuscripts. There were so many talented writers applying to be my mentee, and choosing just ONE from the 60 that applied was a challenge!

I'm also co-teaching a nine-month picture book masterclass through my local SCBWI chapter beginning July 10. 

As busy as all those things have made me, the real whirlwind was because...

My daughter Julia got married! The past three months have been dominated by wedding planning, which was great fun, but was also incredibly demanding. DIY weddings are no joke! But the day turned out to be every bit as beautiful as we hoped.

Add to that the handmade quilt that my sister and I made for the happy couple, and that left almost no time for writing or revising. Not even for my blog.

So yeah. That's what's been up with me. 

If you don't hear from me again for a while, it's probably because I'm working on revising my verse novel. Again!