Thursday, April 07, 2016

Poetry Week by Week: A "Foxy" Concrete Poem

Concrete Poetry Week continues with a guest post by my daughter, Julia Gomez. When I told her that I needed (well...wanted) a guest poet to share a concrete poem on my blog for this week, she enthusiastically volunteered for the challenge. She didn't have a concrete poem on hand to share, so she wrote one especially for this event! I had no idea what she would write, but I was not surprised at all when she revealed this little Fox. Well, done, Julia. I could not be more delighted in your little poem.

Isn't it darling? If this doesn't inspire you to try your own concrete poem, I'm not sure what will!

If you would like to share this poem, please link to this page rather than saving the image. Please do not print this poem without permission from the author. You can contact her through her blog

About the poet:

Julia is a college student majoring in disorganization and procrastination. While singing is her primary occupation, Julia also likes to write poetry for trees and other things that don’t understand English. She currently resides beneath an endless blue sky, beside a very fine patch of green grass.


  1. Would Julia like a mentor in disorganization and procrastination? That would be me! How did she write the poem, was it using a computer or handwritten calligraphy? It is super!

  2. She wrote it out by hand, with the shape and all. I "copied" it into Picmonkey to make it nice and clean.

  3. It's fine but it doesn't really ryme.....

    1. True, it does not rhyme. Many poems do not.


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