Monday, May 07, 2012

Much Overdue about Everything


That's how I've felt for the last week or so. It's the last month of school, which means it's one of the busiest months of the year, which means I have barely had time to do anything for myself, which means a neglected blog (among other things).

So this is my make-up post covering all the things that I have wanted to blog about in the last week+, but for which I haven't had the time.

  • I celebrated the close of April by reading and reciting poems with my ten-year-old son. I happily recited a few of my favorite Shel Silverstein poems as well as one of my own. But the highlight of that evening was when he responded by reciting a limerick he had written in school.
  • I participated in career day last week at work. Because I am the only "author" that anyone at that school knows, and I guess I was such a big hit last year, they invited me to participate again. I came well prepared, with a PowerPoint presentation and a stack of magazines that have published my work. The kids all seemed very interested and asked a bunch of questions. It was fun! I'm still amazed at how at ease I feel when talking about my writing in front of a group of elementary kids.
  • It is the season of music events. Two weekend music festivals, one piano recital, and four school concerts. I'm glad my kids are so talented, but I'll also be glad when all (or most) of this is over for the summer.
  • I have had a little time for some fun. Last Sunday my family spent a rainy afternoon making a stop motion movie. You can see it here. We plan to do more in the future, starring the same little man. My kids are so much fun!
  • The other day I was driving up a residential street when I saw a group of kids armed with water balloons. I thought at first that they were planning on throwing a balloon at my car, but what they were doing was lining them up across the street in hopes that a car would SPLAT them! So I played along and aimed for the balloons...but I missed! The kids' disappointed cries were almost enough to make me turn around and try again, but alas, I was running late. The group of kids was gone when I drove back through an hour later, but I hope they were more successful after my lame, failed attempted at helping them have fun.
What about you? Is your life a whirlwind right now, or is everything, as my kids would say, chill? 


  1. I feel like things are a whirlwind, and then I feel like I have no idea what a whirlwind is because I don't have kids.

  2. I like the literary reference in the title :)

    This post makes me want to do a Trail Mix post.

  3. Missed--Just you wait. If you have kids, you'll find out what a whirlwind is!

    Angie--I love you trail mix posts.


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