Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Tip #19: A Change of Scenery

I like to write at the computer. To let my fingers fly over the keys and see the words instantly appear on the screen. To be able to change something by simply hitting that backspace key. But sometimes the most uninspiring view is the computer screen!

When that happens, it's time for a change of scenery. I curl up someplace cozy with my 50-cent "composition notebook" and write the old-fashioned way. There is something about putting an actual pen to paper that slows me down, lets me take it easy. I can almost always ease back into my writing groove that way. Plus, there's something truly satisfying about being able to scratch over the wrong word (or awful paragraph) or doodle in the margins as I contemplate the next line. 

Try it the next time you feel stuck!


  1. I tend to only write by hand when I am revising. Especially something in rhyme.

  2. Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this! :)

  3. You are so right ... great tip!!

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    So true.

  5. I've thought about writing my next novel in verse all by hand, for the first draft. We'll see how that goes! Gotta finish my first one first.

  6. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Loving the idea. Go for it friend!

  7. Angie--I will! Every time I see those simple lined journals at the book store, I think about it. But I had better not start it until I'm done with Sharra's War. It will be cool to tote that journal around everywhere I go. Plus, it will give me an excuse to get a cute new tote-bag/purse. Bonus! (my current purse is only big enough for one of those mini composition thingies)


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