Friday, July 16, 2010

The Life of a Picture Book Part Three: Re-drafting

Is re-drafting even a word? Well, word or not, that's what I've been doing with my little picture book about an ogress.

The last time you heard about my ogress, she was waiting for me to finish the first draft. I finished the first draft weeks ago, and then set it aside to wait. Again. Then, when I returned home from my recent vacation, I decided it was time to give my ogress some attention.

I began re-drafting the story in rhyme. That's how it had originally started, but I forced myself to write the rest of it in prose so I could get the story straight. I'm so glad I did it that way, because the rhyme, though imperfect so far, has been coming so much more easily than it would have if I had to worry about story and rhyme together.

I can't wait to tell you that this draft is done and ready for revisions!

Read The Life of a Picture Book Part Four: Full Draft


  1. Nice new layout. :)

    Cool about your ogress story. Sigue adelente.

  2. Oh, I love this series!


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